
August 29, 2013

Cirque reading at Village Books

If you’re hungry for words, September promises to deliver. Thursday, September 5, 2013, brings together a number of voices from the literary journal Cirque for a reading at Village Books. The lineup includes Deborah Bernard, Bob Hicks, Rachel Mehl, Kate Miller, Sheila Nickerson, Anne Carse Nolting and Joe Nolting. (You may recognize some of these names as past Sue Boynton Poetry Contest winners.) The reading, in the Readings Gallery, is free and copies of Cirque will be available for purchase.

To warm up for the Cirque reading, which starts at 7pm, you may want to attend the VB Writes…Poetry Writing Group, which welcomes drop-ins, is also free and starts at 5:30pm on the Village Books mezzanine.

Watch this space for news of other worthwhile upcoming events, and also see the CALENDAR page, updated almost daily.