Cirque… soon!

August 3, 2021

Just when it seemed like we’d be enjoying in-person poetry readings once again, organizers and venues (and poets!) are exercising caution. So the Cirque reading that was anticipated for August in Seattle will now be held on Zoom on Friday, August 13, 2021, at 7:00pm Pacific (ID 860 5720 7353, code 1111).

There will be two parts to the event: a reading by Leslie A. Fried from her new Cirque Press book, Lily is Leaving: Poems, and a selection of readers from Volume 11, No. 2, of Cirque Journal, with the theme Land Ethic.

Cirque has additional August readings planned for Bellingham and Portland.

If you like what you see, submissions are open until September 21.

more Cirque…tonight!

January 12, 2021

Join in as Cirque Journal #21 celebrates Winter Festival with Fringe this evening, Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 6:00pm Alaska / 7:00pm Pacific. Readers include Drue Robinson, Don Colburn, Kelly Lenox, Daniel Dagris, Roger Topp, Sherri Levine, Susan Chase-Foster, Karen Tschannen, Sandra Yannone, and Leslie Fried.

Zoom link, with code 1111.