SpeakEasy 27: A Spiritual Thread engaged five poets in what turned out to be a nine-month poetic conversation. The resulting series of linked poems was presented in five Zoom readings.

To complete SpeakEasy 27, audience members were invited to submit their own poems inspired by and directly linked to specific ideas or language in the 25-poem series. Round 6, on Sunday, March 28, 2021, at 7:00pm Pacific, will feature response poems by Sarah Brownsberger, Lauren Camp, Nancy Canyon, Bev Darnall, J.I. Kleinberg, Eric Kosarot, Rachel Mehl, Peter Messinger, Jory Mickelson, Don Mitchell, Kevin Murphy, Bethany Reid, Sheila Rosen, Paul Sarvasy, Betty Scott, Carla Shafer, Sheila Sondik, Allie Spikes, and Nik Warren.

Additional information and video of the previous readings is available on the Other Mind Press SpeakEasy 27 page. The reading is free on Zoom (Zoom link available from the participating poets or by sending an email to othermindpress AT gmail.com). Please join us!

Eric Kosarot
2017 Walk Award
By Eric R. Kosarot

Dusk falls on Toad Lake.
I slide over frozen fish and gaze into
ice swollen around dock planks.

A fracture like a lightning bolt
extends its frozen electricity
through unsheltered vaults of ice, wood and sky.

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Eric Kosarot has self-published three poetry chapbooks, Cascade Winter, Azure Blue, and Writings in the Sky. He has a degree in Earth Arts Journalism from Fairhaven College. Currently Eric lives with his family in a yurt near Lake Whatcom and teaches music at Cascades Montessori Middle School.

“Slip of the Frozen Note” was inspired by this winter’s freezing temperatures. “I wrote it after visiting the iced-over lake with my mom. Several people, including myself, were exuberantly sliding across the thick ice while bystanders watched from beside a barbecue fire on the shore.”

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*Copyright 2017 by Eric R. Kosarot. Broadside illustrated by Mat Hudson.